
Domestic drone photo shoot

This includes a per-site survey where I check it is safe to fly near by and apply for appropriate permissions if required.

Plus the shoot itself which will be at least 8 high quality digital images of your home or business delivered usually within 24hrs via email.

From only £60.

Roof Inspection by drone

This includes a per-site survey where I check it is safe to fly near by and apply for appropriate permissions if required.

Plus the shoot itself which can be photographs of roof tiles, gutters, fascia, flashing ridge tiles and pointing or other areas suspected of being damaged.

Please see the roof inspection section for further sample images.

From £90 for a domestic property.

Short Video shoot for promotion on social media

This included a per-site survey where I check it is safe to fly near by and apply for appropriate permissions if required.

Plus the shot itself with an expected 30 minutes on site and the production of a Reel type clip under 60 seconds in length (please note quality of the sample is very low to allow embedding in my web page and actual output is full 4k)

Delivered on a USB memory stick or web download

(Song Since you came knocking-Marlia Rae)

From £130

Work for a local charity or Local Church Roof Inspection

Please contact me but usually for free.

Work for a local non profit organisation

Please contact me.